Monday, November 14, 2011

Winter Fest is coming!

Winter Fest time is quickly approaching! This year our class will be doing a "Christmas/Holiday" themed basket to be auctioned off. We are in need of any holiday related items. For example:
*Gift Tags          *Cookie Cutters          *Ribbon/Bows          *Holiday Cards          *Holiday cookbooks
*Ornaments          *Tree Trimmings        *Wrapping Paper     *Anything Christmas or holiday related

A huge thank you to those who have donated items so far! Hope to see you on Saturday, Dec. 3rd at Winter Fest! Thank you for your continued support!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fire Station Field Trip!

We had a great time this week at the Ft. Stewart Fire Department! A huge thank you to Inspector Sanchez & all of the fire fighters for taking the time to teach us about fire safety. Please scroll down to see a few pictures from our trip. Enjoy!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fire Station Field Trip!

Parents please do not forget that we have our field trip to the Ft. Stewart Fire Station next week, on Wed. October 19th! We have been studying about fire safety throughout the week & we are all very excited about our first Pre-K field trip! Please make sure that you have signed & returned your child's permission slip. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

October Happenings!

We have a lot of exciting activities and events, both in the classroom & here at Pre-K, planned for the month of October!
  • Pre-K Yard Sale- Saturday, Oct. 1st (8am-12pm)
  • Spaghetti Dinner- Tuesday, Oct. 4th (5pm-7pm)
  • Yearbook Picture retakes- Wed. Oct. 5th
  • Technology Workshop- Tues. Oct.18th @ 6pm
  • Ft. Stewart Fire Station Fieldtrip- Wed. Oct. 19th
~Community Helpers Needed!~
If anyone has a friend or family member that is a "community helper" (police officer, doctor, nurse, veterinarian, etc.) & they would be willing to come in & share with our class, about their job, during the week of (October 17-21) please email me at:
Thank you!

~"I CARE" for October~
This month's character trait is...Self-confidence! Please remember to keep the feedback form that will be sent home on or around the 15th of each month. After filling out & signing the form, please return it by the end of each month.

A HUGE thank you to those who have sent in kleenex, hand sanitizer, and/or baby wipes! With cold & flu season upon us...these particular items are very handy! 

Friday, September 23, 2011


For the next two weeks, we will be doing an exciting unit on Apples & Fall. We will be discussing the different types, colors, and uses for apples. We will also begin looking into the four seasons and the interesting characteristics that come along with each.
Have a fantastic weekend!  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

Next week, we will be participating in activities centered around the book "Chicka chicka boom boom" and learning about the letters of the alphabet. Some of the fun activities include:

*Sponge letter collages
*Going on a letter hunt
*Painting a coconut tree
*Decorating the letter of our 1st name
*Playing letter games

At Home Connection:
*Around your home or in your community, ask your child to name items & then the letter that they begin with.
*Pick a letter & draw 3 things that begin with that letter.

Unfortunatley, McTeacher's night scheduled for Monday, Sept. 19th has been canceled. It will be rescheduled for a later date! Stay tuned...

Pre-K Workshop
Please join us for "A day in Pre-K" workshop. Teachers will be presenting different daily activities that take place in each classroom.
Thursday, Sept. 22nd at 6pm

Friday, September 9, 2011

September is here!

*We had a great time learning about colors over the past 2 weeks! Next week our class theme is "All about me"! We will be making self & family pictures, charting & graphing favorite things, height, eye color, etc. We will celebrate our individual uniqueness all week long!

*Mark your calendars for McTeacher's Night! Come out & support Liberty Co. Pre-K and have a chance to be served by our amazing staff members!

When: Monday, Sept. 19th from 5pm-8pm
Where: McDonald's on Highway 84

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"I Care" & Impact Aid forms


     Please make sure that you have filled out, signed, & dated the federal impact aid forms that came home on Wednesday. It is very important that we get one back for each student.
     Also, please be on the look out for "I Care" forms to be sent home the 15th of each month starting in September. After filling it out, please return it to school with your child by the end of the month.
Thank you & have a safe Labor Day weekend! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Colors, colors, & more colors!

For the next 2 weeks, we will begin our color unit. We will explore what happens when you mix colors together, taste various foods, and paint with unique items. Each day we will celebrate a certain color. Please allow your child to dress in that particular color for the day. Thank you!
*Aug. 29th- Red Day
*Aug. 30th-Picture Day (No particular color)
*Aug. 31st- Orange Day
*Sept. 1st- Yellow Day
*Sept. 2nd- NO SCHOOL
*Sept. 5th- NO SCHOOL
*Sept. 6th- Green Day
*Sept. 7th- Blue Day
*Sept. 8th- Purple Day
*Sept. 9th- Brown Day

At Home Connection:
Choose a color & then point out foods, items in books, magazines & around your home with your child that relate to the particular color.

Monday, August 22, 2011


This week we will be learning about different shapes. We have a lot of fun activities planned; such as:

*making a shape train                                                   *shape necklaces
*shape hunt                                                                  *reading shape stories
*singing the hip-hop shape song                                    *shape snacks

At Home Suggestion!

Throughout the week, point out different shapes to your child around your home and outside in the surrounding environment. Have a wonderful week!

Monday, August 15, 2011


* Please remember that Open House is Wednesday, August 24 @ 6:00pm.

There are a few items that we use regularly in the classroom. If at any time you would like to donate any of these items it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  • Baby wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Kleenex   

Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome to Pre-K!

Hello! My name is Leah Richardson & I am very excited to have your child in my class. To keep you informed on all of the exciting activities taking place in our classroom, you may check our class blog for weekly updates. Please feel free to email me with any questions that may arise throughout the year. I am looking forward to a successful & fun-filled year!