Friday, August 26, 2011

Colors, colors, & more colors!

For the next 2 weeks, we will begin our color unit. We will explore what happens when you mix colors together, taste various foods, and paint with unique items. Each day we will celebrate a certain color. Please allow your child to dress in that particular color for the day. Thank you!
*Aug. 29th- Red Day
*Aug. 30th-Picture Day (No particular color)
*Aug. 31st- Orange Day
*Sept. 1st- Yellow Day
*Sept. 2nd- NO SCHOOL
*Sept. 5th- NO SCHOOL
*Sept. 6th- Green Day
*Sept. 7th- Blue Day
*Sept. 8th- Purple Day
*Sept. 9th- Brown Day

At Home Connection:
Choose a color & then point out foods, items in books, magazines & around your home with your child that relate to the particular color.

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