Friday, February 10, 2012

It's great to be back!

Hello everyone! This was my first week back to work after maternity leave, and I think all of the kids grew a FOOT while I was gone! It was great to see their smiling faces again...I've missed them dearly!

I've attached a picture of my new little one. I brought him by the school to meet the kids on Monday. Needless to say, they LOVED him! They keep asking if he's going to come back & stay with
us. :-)

Luke Vincent
This week we've been preparing for Valentine's Day and our class party by graphing and estimating candy conversation hearts, creating Valentine's for friends and family, and learning about the history/facts surrounding Valentine's Day.  Next week we will begin talking about the importance of caring for our teeth; in honor of Dental Health month. A dentist will be visiting our classroom on Feb. 16th!


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